Loren Pearlman | Founder
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Ever since I was a young child, I can remember thumbing through my mother’s stacks of fashion magazines, pouring over images of beautiful clothing and playing dress-up. Since those early days, I have continued my passion for sophisticated style and maintained my connection to the latest trends and design ideas. Through these connections, I have been able to develop a keen sense of the wide variety of fashion options available to meet my clients’ needs.

My experience with designers and boutique owners has provided me with a unique perspective on the process of building a wardrobe. My interaction with clients from all walks of life has allowed me to develop a clear understanding of the challenges many men and women face as they set out to define their personal style.

As a style consultant, I believe that it is my role to help clients sift through the myriad of images and fashion trends they see in magazines and stores and define what really works for them.

How often have you opened a fashion magazine only to find outfits that look great on runway models but don’t seem to fit your lifestyle? You are not alone! The hard part about staying fashionable is not finding the new trends, but rather in determining how to implement these new ideas into your world and your personal sense of style.

I firmly believe that through fashion, we can develop a sense of confidence while making a statement about the image we project to the world around us. The notion of “feeling and looking great” is attainable at every age, height, body shape and budget. I am committed to helping my clients feel good about the clothes they wear, and I take great pride in providing a comprehensive service to help them in the process of building a wardrobe that meets their individual style goals.

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